Alarm problem - help please!

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New Registration
May 31, 2003
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I'm having problems with an E300 TD. The alarm went off last night, I went outside, stopped the alarm and set it again, it went off again almost immediately for no discernable reason. I thought I was better off locking it with the key but before I had a chance, the car locked itself, I could see the buttons in the door going down! I unlocked it and it did the same thing again. Thinking it might be due to where it was parked I moved it slightly and my poltergeist seemed to stop locking the doors for me there!

Has anyone experienced this before? Any suggestions or advice appreciated!



Senior Member
Jan 27, 2003
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London, UK
Not sure if it's related to your alarm, but I've heard of the 'self locking' W124 before. These cars use a little air compressor to control the central locking, ie compressed air keeps the doors unlocked, and releasing the air allows the springs to pull the locks closed.

A friend told me of his 190 which had a leak in the system so kept locking itself. I think that's how it works, and I'd say it's a fair guess to say your alarm may well be linked. Until you've fixed it don't do what my friend did and get out of the car with the engine running at a service station, and shut the door. When he went to get back in it had locked itself :oops: . After 30 minutes, engine still going, he had to use a brick to get back in. Not pleasant :lol:
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