Sticky Soft Top Clamp Sensor in Windscreen


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Ok so when i'm driving the soft-top warning light flashes and beeps and i eventually figured out it is because the electronic mechanism on the top of the passengers side windscreen isn't registering that it has clipped the softtop down securely.

There is a small metal handle you can use to clamp down or release the soft top and if I use it i can make the light go out. When i let go it's fine but then after a while it goes back to to thinking its not clamped.

I am sure that there is a sensor in there that is simply sticking or something but before i take it apart does anyone have any experience with this? I'm not sure if this sensor will be a switch, infra red, magnetic or electric so best ask before i go into the unknown :eek:


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