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Sep 22, 2002
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I would just like to say thanks for all your help  in this forum I will be checking all the electrical connections shortly following your advice Arnie in the 'Ignition' topic because it has started perfectly every time lately with just the turn of the key,no foot on the gas, no quick prayers, no funny noises just twist and fire.
Also since fitting a fuel filter a couple of months back and continuing to use the car, the stalling at idle has completely disappeared, I still get the occasional dip in revs at idle but it picks up again and refuses to stall, so it will need a good going over by a bosch chap and a computer, but for now I'm more than happy.
So thanks again for you're time and knowledge and I hope not to be asking many questions in the future but hope to be of assistance wherever possible.
By the by - can anyone recommend a decent garage in Manchester should I need them - otherwise I will be forced to try to understand the brummy accents of Andy and his lads.
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