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  1. M

    Flip Key

    I feel your pain! I have similar problems. I have been recently recommended from this forum to contact (Paul Young) in Yorkshire, and have found him excellent to deal with so far. He should be able to repair your key. But you will have to send him your only key! So if...
  2. M

    Immobiliser, Central locking and IR key problems

    Thanks Toby, yes the keys both glow and/or flash with a purple light when viewed through the phone camera. Does your key glow continuously when the button is pressed, or does it send purple flashes? It is certainly possible, but it seems a little unlikely that both fobs are not working, but...
  3. M

    Immobiliser, Central locking and IR key problems

    Hi all, I posted this problem earlier on the end of an older post, but have had no bites, so I'm hoping that starting a new thread may be a better idea. Can anyone please advise on the possibility of immobiliser bypass or removal or swapping or any other options for W124s? I think that it may...
  4. M

    Confused with W124 IR central locking

    Hey Tony, it's over 4 years now, but did you end up getting the immobiliser removed from your '96 300D? Or maybe bypassed it? Can anyone advise on this or any other options? I think that it may be the best solution for my own similar problem ('94 Cabriolet with 880 and 551 codes). I also...

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