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  1. O

    C350e hybrid dead

    I don't have Yammys and love the ow31 but I do have a fleet of lovely old BMW K100s and K1100s from 1983 to 1996 and do 20-25k miles a year on them. I buy my batteries at my local garden and golf cart shop for small money. I researched electric cars and discovered a viable demand for batteries...
  2. O

    Oil leak after service

    Its not uncommon and a good thing is to check over oil filters after fitting to ensure no leaks. I do all my servicing and it has happened to me occasionally, most recently in the last 6 months.

WE HAVE NOW MOVED: 8 Hazel Road, Woolston, SO19 7GB
Service, Repairs and remapping service
Any queries, please do not hesitate to alternatively you can phone Colin or Dave on 02380 445820, out of hours numbers are 07787913313 or 07907631681.
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