Hello all,
After your direction please.
A well used 2.3-16v (220k miles) that I've inherited and am trying to get going again.
One of the issues I have is with the electric sunroof - it will go back at the press of the button. Every time. A bit at a time. Absolutely no delay. However, most...
Hello ever helpful forumites,
Another "noob" query that I would very much appreciate your help / recommendations with please (there will be more to come as I begin the task of getting my old man's 2.3 back to a reasonable state!).
Door seals - all a bit knackered, split, torn etc. I suppose...
Greetings, what is the best way to gain more power on M111.940 engine without going forced induction? Would 2.2 or 2.3 head fit on a 2.0 and would increasing the compression by putting thinner HG and porting the head give any gains?
Hello forum viewers.
3 weeks ago I bought a 2000 CLK 2.3 petrol 111.000miles and on the first time I started the car on cold with the gear on P it had some trouble in maintaining the rpm. I would guess was because it was cold and after like 30s with the rpm going up and down the engine died. No...
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