Hi all my name is Chris and I have just joined MB.
I currently own a 1992 R129 500 and have a frustrating engine problem. I'm hoping someone out there can give me some advise or rectification.
If the car is used daily everything runs fine. The problem starts if I leave the car for a period of...
Hi all, i have a 1991 500sl that is refusing to start.
It was put away for winter and started when first time when removed from storage.
the second start it refused to start instead to back fired loudly.
it would then run for 5 seconds and die out.
any help appreciated
When i start up after a few hours parking the engine struggles to keep constant revs This goes away after a short time yet now the car has started to misfire / backfire when i depress the accelerator pedal quickly? It still goes ok on motorway but is getting sluggish as time goes on. I have...
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