
  1. ThPadd

    W203 C220 Auto Box issue, easy change

    Okay guys I have been hunting online for the answer to this, but not found the answers, so any relevant experience appreciated. I have had my 06 C220 for a couple of years now and after sorting out various issues (track rod arm, front discs, tyres, unlocking), I now have just 2 niggles that...
  2. T

    The oil cooler of doom (1992 W124 300TE 24).

    Hi folks! It's me again. There's an oil cooler living (or rather dying!) in front of the near side front wheel of my old 300TE 24, tucked in behind the front bumper. It's leaking quite badly. Has anyone got any tips or advice on how to replace this item? Are there any gotchas...
  3. S

    Headlamp C220 W203 replacing: Part number?

    Hi all I have bought my first merc couple of months back and I am just loving every moment of it, my model is C220 CDI, 2003 plate and my mate has got a similar car but 2004 model however I really like his head and fog lights. My lights are similar to the one in picture 1 below...

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