second hand

  1. M

    Gearbox advice

    Hi All, The gearbox has finally given up on my automatic 07 C220 CDI sports edition 5 door estate. I believe it is a 7.226 gearbox. Does anyone know of anyone reputable who supplies quality replacements? I would prefer to go through someone recommended rather than take a chance with ebay. Any...
  2. Janchee

    Best car for under £7k?

    All, the family is growing from 2 to 3... in June. The better half has got a Mini Cooper D however, we need something a bit bigger to put pram and stuff in!! Looking for recommendations on good cars to get. It has to have 5 doors, be quite safe and have cruise control. This misses works from...
  3. T

    R170 mudflaps?

    Hi All, Going to look tomorrow at an R170 SLK, looks like might be a well kept second car and I am hoping good bodywork. It has mudflaps which makes me wonder if there is any rust underneath but they look fitted. Here are pics: Got me...
  4. C

    Prestige All Parts- any experiences?

    Dear all, I have just purchased a few bits and bobs for my 215... engine cover (£10 complete with all clips), wash tank (£25) and driver's door seat/ mirror control module in burred walnut (£75). I didn't think the prices too bad. Some parts turned up yesterday but I'm still missing the...
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