Hi All. I own a UK 2007 SLK R171 200 Kompressor and was wondering if anyone knows what the button just under and to the right of the ignition switch actually does. I've looked both online and in the owner manual and can find no mention of it anywhere.
Many thanks in advance.
I need to remove the driver's side door panel on my SLK R171 2007 to access the window control unit as it's only operating intermittently. I've removed all the bolts bar one which is well hiddden.
Under the armrest there is a very small flap cut into the door panel and I can feel a screw in...
The heating in the car seems to take ages to get warm and feels like its not until the engine is warm before i get hot air into the cabin. Is this normal or can i check for a fault despite there being no errors from the ECU.
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