can anyone help ?
i have a c230k 1995 - N-reg. And the heater blower isn't working.
The air temparature still works fine, and it is very warm when the engine has been running, however the blower its self doesn't work. This causes problems in the morning with de-misting etc...
Apart from the motor, are there any other possible causes that i could investigate (that may be cheaper to fix).
If so, how and where do i find these bits to check.
can anyone help ?
i have a c230k 1995 - N-reg. And the heater blower isn't working.
The air temparature still works fine, and it is very warm when the engine has been running, however the blower its self doesn't work. This causes problems in the morning with de-misting etc...
Apart from the motor, are there any other possible causes that i could investigate (that may be cheaper to fix).
If so, how and where do i find these bits to check.