g reg 230 te estate auto
got up to go to work this morning and the ignition key wouldn't turn, no matter how i jiggled the steering wheel. same again tonight.
anyone got any ideas
Sounds to me as if the key is worn, i had a similar problem with mine a little while ago when using the drivers door lock.
The fault was rectified by getting a new key from the local dealer, you will have to order it, with chassis numbers and personal ID etc, (unless Andy can help??).
The problem is the ignition barrel is breaking up inside. Usually (and the customer almost always invaribly denies it) The key starts to stick or you have to jiggle it to get it to turn. These are the first signs.
If you can get it to the ignition and start. Pop it straight down your local MB dealer or specialist. Whilst the key it in the number 1 position. The barrel can be removed. Takes a few seconds with the right tools. If not I am afraid its a new ignition lock assembly. It could take an hour or two to replace.
For all those with 124's\190'\126's if the ignition barrel starts to stick then get replaced as a matter of urgency. Or it will jam completely.
If you supply chassis number to MB they will supply a new barrel to the original key. Takes about 7-10days. Or get another of the shelf.
Might sound daft but I once had a do with a Bedford CF auto van - it was the gearbox selector safety switch - not only did it not let you start the van in D, but it had a solenoid which would not let you turn the key. When the selector microswitch broke, I assumed because the key wouldnt turn that the lock was faulty - took me ages to figure out that I was wrong.
thanks for the replies guys, i've ordered a new key 'cause thats the cheapest, if that doesn't work then i'll take andys, problem is, if i can't start it i can't take it to a dealer. my closest is thirty miles away
Take Andy's advice, when i got mine there were 2 keys, one for the doors, the other for the ign. I got a new barrel from the dealers, made up to fit the original key spec, piece of cake to fit, now no more gropeing in the dark trying to find the right key.
Igniton key wont turn.
You dealt with this 26 Jan. I have same problem but since I can't start car (260E) I shall have to get lock out myself.
Friendly, and good, mechanic says to screw slide hammer into lock and bang away. Is there a less brutal way?
Once the key is jammned and you can't turn it at all. Then you have to remove the complete assembly. No way around it I am afraid as the barrel has broken up inside.
Drop the undertray and follow the steering lock assembly down. By the bracket with the 10mm bolt through it there is a small round brass coloured pin. This pin usually can be depressed when in the No:1 position. But because you can't turn the lock you will have to either drill it out or grind it out. You will then have to replace the complete assembly.
Thanks for info on igntions key. Do you know where I can get a new unit and is it going to be any dearer to match the existing key
By the way, we get some coolant loss. It never stays up to the mark on the coolant bottle but I don't think there are any leaks. Used to get the same on an Audi.
How about the pressure cap.
I don't know whether I should have started a new thread here. I don't know the protocol.
As for the coolant loss that could be any thing. Check all obvious things like coolant pipes, pump etc. Have the system pressure tested & also check head gasket.
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