Central locking mechanism fail to lock


Nov 19, 2023
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Your Mercedes
2000 SL500
Hi community, need some expert advice and those who experienced similar issue in the past on fixing the problem I experience.

I have a 2000 SL500 and discovered potential vacuum issue with impacted the central locking.

Car lock operated via factory remote with immobilizer and ultrasonic sensor. Recently the alarm failed to activate and noticed the vacuum pump near the battery will working for approx. 10 sec before cut off which normally takes a couple of seconds. The car is able to lock/unlock except for the driver side door. Changed the battery for both keys but same issue exist.

Here are a few questions:

  • How can I tell if it is the main pump or driver door vacuum lock actuator issue?
  • What is the best method to run the diagnostic?
  • I can remove the door card and how can I remove the driver door vacuum lock actuator if it seems to be the culprit?
Thank for your input in advance.
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