Some of you might be aware that I am on a quest to find nearly new E220CDI Elegance in Blue with DARK interior. SO far the only Tansanite Blue, Dark leathered E220s I can find have been Avantagardes. Two problems. 1- I hate the dark Bird's eye maple black wood trim in the avantgarde. 2- I have to drive down a country lane regularly and the last time a friend of mine came down the lane in his avangared fully loaded with kids and bags the underboody was scraping horse dung off the lane!! So my question is How easy is it to adjust/raise the Avantgarde suspension to the same height as an Elegance. Also does anyone know how easy is to change the wood trim (on the dash and doors) in the avantagarde to walnut or sapeli brown trim. (I don't like the dark wood effect you see, but if its easy enough to buy new inserts then worth a my case personally anyway!! Any thoughts/ideas/prices/warranty implications/opinions would be greatly appreciated!