replacment gear box of old BMC amby


New Member
Dec 4, 2007
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hello i hav an old BMC ambulance that has a mercedes engine&box, i think it came out of a 207, but i dont know. i am looking for a replacment gear box or a exploded view so i can see if i can fix it my self.i have lost 4th gear, it still go's in but has no drive. i heard no noise wen it went and it still runs ok in outher gears. the id plate on the gearbox says
"Mercedes benz AG"
BENZ G1/18-5/4.7 711.113
forti-nr 383398
i am having probs finding the engine number, all i can find
in the engine casting is 601 011 14 01 - 24e 91 and on the sump is R601 014 10 02
can you help identify wot model it may hav come out of, or know of any one who can?
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