viscious fan
this is the bolt
my w202 c250td has one of these damn fans that i can seem to get off..according to the haynes manual, its " simple a case of making a tool to hold two of the water pump pulley bolts and the using a 36 mm spanner, undo the big nut pulley side of the fan..I dont have a big nut, and even if i did it would be possible to get the tool in as i cant get the bolts out enough to with draw them . What i do have is an eight mm allen bolt on the "fan"side i`ve taken the radiator out. Is it a matter off some how jamming the water pump pulley and turning this allen bolt?(clockwise/antoclockwise) It must be ****** tight as i`ve already ruined one allen key. Also my t-stat doesnt appear to be where the manual says it is. Could it be in the houseing down near the alternator? oh, yes.....just another ting.....HHEELLPPPPPP!!!!!!