Hello all,
for the past year i had an intermittent ghost issue with my ECT sensor, as it sometimes fluctuate irregularly, from constantly sitting still at 85 degress and then suddenly drops to 30 and back again to 85 and sometimes it disconnects entirely and then reconnect, the weird thing is at the same time the ambient temperature sensor starts acting up as well, from having a 25 degrees reading to suddenly giving 65 degrees, both of the temperature sensors act up at the same time and there is no pattern, sometimes it appears as soon as i start the car and sometimes after driving for a while, and sometimes with the engine off and ignition on, it just fluctuate around, honestly it's really frustrating and weird, i checked the wiring of the ect no apparent damage, i checked the resistivity of the wires and i had a 0.8 ohm reading which i think is good, i replaced the sensor but still the issue exits,
i am unable unable to pinpoint the exact reason for the issue, if it was an ECU issue it should have affected the other sensors as well since they all have the 5v reference voltage, i checked the wiring diagram for both sensors, it appears that the ECT is connected to the ECM directly while the ambient temperature sensor is connected to the front sam unit, my theory is that the ambient temperature sensor might be faulty and affecting the reference voltage of the ECT sensor,
any advices regarding this matter or if someone encountered a similar issue?
for the past year i had an intermittent ghost issue with my ECT sensor, as it sometimes fluctuate irregularly, from constantly sitting still at 85 degress and then suddenly drops to 30 and back again to 85 and sometimes it disconnects entirely and then reconnect, the weird thing is at the same time the ambient temperature sensor starts acting up as well, from having a 25 degrees reading to suddenly giving 65 degrees, both of the temperature sensors act up at the same time and there is no pattern, sometimes it appears as soon as i start the car and sometimes after driving for a while, and sometimes with the engine off and ignition on, it just fluctuate around, honestly it's really frustrating and weird, i checked the wiring of the ect no apparent damage, i checked the resistivity of the wires and i had a 0.8 ohm reading which i think is good, i replaced the sensor but still the issue exits,
i am unable unable to pinpoint the exact reason for the issue, if it was an ECU issue it should have affected the other sensors as well since they all have the 5v reference voltage, i checked the wiring diagram for both sensors, it appears that the ECT is connected to the ECM directly while the ambient temperature sensor is connected to the front sam unit, my theory is that the ambient temperature sensor might be faulty and affecting the reference voltage of the ECT sensor,
any advices regarding this matter or if someone encountered a similar issue?