I currently have the current shape c class and would be looking to upgrade sometime this year. Just wanted your opinions on if you had a choice which would you get, a new shape c class or the cls.
Plus it doesnt have that awful rear end
the CLS is the MB drop kick, nobody is buying them, look on autotrader ex demos cheap.
If you drive both the E and the CLS you will find they are 2 different cars, well I think so anyway, the CLS has an S class feel, and the E has a mmmm E class feel.
I'll admit I haven't driven a cls so you could be right, but the feel normally comes from the chassis (E class), the engine (E class) and the suspension. I guess an airmatic cls could ride more closely to an S (which has airmatic as standard afaik) but I don't believe airmatic is std on the cls so I'd expect a standard one to ride like an E320.
Could be wrong though - i must get around to driving one.
so wifes tights and a post office spring to mind
I currently have the current shape c class and would be looking to upgrade sometime this year. Just wanted your opinions on if you had a choice which would you get, a new shape c class or the cls.
I currently have the current shape c class and would be looking to upgrade sometime this year. Just wanted your opinions on if you had a choice which would you get, a new shape c class or the cls.