g wagon

  1. J

    My 300gd engine swap

    I own a 1988 300gd g wagon and love it it's a great car and I use it everyday but I'm now looking for the best engine to replace my slow 300gd with I want somthing that won't be crazy hard to fit or somthing that's notgoing to only make a small difference. I was thinking of a ml270 engine but I...
  2. J

    Any advice on replacing my 300gd

    I own a 1988 300gd g wagon and love it it's a great car and I use it everyday but I'm now looking for the best engine to replace my slow 300gd with I want somthing that won't be crazy hard to fit or somthing that's not going to only make a small difference. I was thinking of a ml270 engine but I...
  3. GAD Tuning LTD

    G Wagon!!!

    Hey guys, Got a passing shot of the G wagon one of our customers has. We actually was not there for it as the customer needed a cruise control stock coding to the VW caravelle which wasn't a bad van really but I'm not a fan of the DSG box in this van as I think it needed readapting because it...

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