e300de Electric Range and Efficiency


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Mar 14, 2022
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Your Mercedes
2021 e300de
Hi All,

I recently bought a 2021 e300de. Love it so far, but a bit confused by the Electric mpkWh reading from the MercedesMe app. It's telling me (from reset) that it's getting 14.8mpkWh, which would be great if it was true, but I think there's something up somewhere or I just don't fully understand how it's calculating it.

Just curious if this would include time where the car is coasting/regenerating but still in engine mode? I don't see how it would arrive at such a figure.

Incidentally, the full range on a full charge (again, as outlined in the app) keeps jumping up and down (34k one day, 30k the next). Is this based on previous usage and/or driving style?



Nov 21, 2010
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Woodbridge, Suffolk
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2014 E300 Hybrid AMG Estate; 3 Ancient Citroens and an Audi TTS!
I'm sure you've worked this out by now (!), but having just purchased a 2019 E300de, It does appear that the Mercedes Me app uses a slightly hypothetical "equivalence-based" calculation based on all uses of the High-Voltage Battery. E.g. it calculates the equivalent "miles" that would have been consumed by air-conditioning, entertainment systems, lighting. If you drive a journey that uses the Diesel engine for a significant period, where the HV battery is providing the ancillary power, it can give a rather large range 54mpkWh or something, whereas if you drive in pure electric mode for a shorter journey, the figures are a more realistic 1.8-2.8mpkWh.

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