190 sl

  1. L

    Informations on master cylinder for 190SL

    Hi all, I'm overhauling a 190SL (frame number : 12104020025289). I'm facing a problem : I can't find a master cylinder (I'm living in New Caledonia and mine is the only one on the island...). I'm looking for a master cylinder (reference : 0004307101). If anyone can tell me where I can...
  2. R

    soft top frame, 190 sl

    hi i have a 1957 - sl 190 - which has no frame for the soft top - does anybody know where i can purchase one from? i have found a manufacturer in the states, (****** expensive) im based in the u.k. - is there a used one out there? or a manufacturer in u,k, or europe?

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