
  1. Teutonic77

    Trying to keep an old rusty automatic alive..

    Hi Mercedes Peeps we've got an old Mercedes Vito 638 automatic which we've been nursing along with bits here and bobs there. We've been stuck for a few months without her as the Neutral position/Inhibitor switch needs replacing. We cant seem to locate one that's not a kings ransom from a main...
  2. S

    Viano and M1/N1 status

    Hi All, this is a long shot but here goes,.... I require a van and am therefore looking for a Vito. The vito dualiner is very close to my requirements and is classed as a van. However the toys (sunroof, electric doors) are difficult to come by as a 2nd hand vehicle. The toys on the viano...

Specialist in parts for W140 and R129 Mercedes-Benz models.
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