
  1. S

    2004 CLK 200 Kompressor Horn Activates when Cornering!

    I've had my car for a couple of years now, and I love driving it. But about a year ago I started to get this issue where turning the wheel a certain amount activates the horn! Which I'm sure you can imagine makes for seriously anxious driving, not knowing when it will happen. At the time, I...
  2. S

    R129 1991, NEED HELP GUYS

    Hiya Can any1 please help me.. I parked me R129 last year perfectly fine, disconnected the bettery. put a battery in it now, the car started up fine. but after a few seconds the alarm kicks in, the car is still running but the horn is going on. what can be wrong.?????????????
  3. G

    W209 Horn Sounding When Turning Corners

    The horn is blasting when turning corners, looks like the spring has gone insider the airbag/head unit. Local garge is suggesting that i need to take it to MB where they will replace the head for ~£1000. Anyone experienced similar and have a lower cost solution? Thanks Graeme...

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