
  1. GAD Tuning LTD

    GAD Tuning Ltd / Projexuk!!!

    As you may or may not know Projexuk have become a dealer offer GAD software there end of the country! We are very excited about our new partnership with the Projexuk boys. Just a couple more little pics of the hard work the Projex guys have been doing for us!!!
  2. GAD Tuning LTD

    C63 AMG Remapping!!! @Projexuk!!!

    Today myself and Gary was working along side our latest dealer Projexuk! Projexuk are the perfect to help carry the GAD Tuning brand and bespoke mapping service across the west and south Wales. They do get on a daily basis some very nice vehicle come through there door and the AMG's are among...

Mercedes-Benz Servicing, repairs, engine and diagnostics
Wayne Gates - Mercedes-Benz, Unit F3, Phoenix Industrial Estate, Rosslyn Crescent, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2SP
Tel: 020 8863 9233
Established for 20 years all vehicles washed and vacuumed.
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