
  1. C

    Help with battery / alternator / parasitic Drain? C200 cdi sports coupe (2003) C200 CDI OM611

    I'm writing in trying to identify what exactly is failing. Have had this trouble for a while, where I leave the car for a day or two then it simply won't start. I accessed the UB readings today and found that when everything is off, it reads around 11.5 V. When I turn ignition on, the voltage...
  2. C

    Voltage/Amps causing ABS/ESP fault but only during first minute of starting

    This happened every day for a week, then nothing for 500 miles, now it came on again so I was determined to record it because it's always been so quick that I don't see the exact message. (occurs about 1:04) the A also drops too, not sure what should be normal. It drops to -50A when starting...

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