
  1. S

    Next Service: Digital Service Report vs Assyst

    Hi, I’ve just bought my first MB - 2013 C-Class Coupe 250 AMG Sport Blue-Efficiency AUTO, 31500 miles. The last Digital Service Report (at 17256 miles) says the next service is due at 32250 miles but the Assyst Service indicator says the next service (A7) is due in 7100 miles so, 38600. Which...
  2. SunnyDee

    Services letters

    Hello all, My service is due soon and it needs services D, what does that involve? Its a 2006 B class. Thanks Sunny

GAD was founded in 2009 where we developed bespoke ECU Remapping software for motorsport clients, moving forward, we have extended to road vehicles for both performance and economy,
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