braking vibration

  1. Janchee

    W213 Brake Judder

    Hi all, Drove to Bristol today ( 380 mile round trip ) and I've noticed a severe judder of the steering wheel under braking. Googling the problem has opened my eyes. I've seen that a large majority of W213 owners are suffering from this problem. Car is just 4 months out-of-warranty. Only 34k...
  2. C

    bang to front wheel now vibration under braking

    Our beloved W209 had a bang on the front offside wheel / wing and ever since it has a bad vibration only on that wheel, noticeable at 40mph when braking and getting worse under braking at 50,60,70mph. It seems worse when going downhill. The vibration can be felt through the brake pedal a little...
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