ml270 cuts out

  1. G

    ML270 cutting out. Randomly

    Got a ML270 2004 that will randomly cut out. I've replaced the crank and cam sensor, replaced Orings on fuel system. It's been read and live data read and it just cuts all lights on dash then comes back on. I'm looking at either fuse box, or AAM unit or immobiliser issue. Anyone else had this...
  2. R

    Newbie in need of help plse, ML270 cutting out

    Hello all, I'm getting a very frustrated with my 54 plate ML270 now, I had injector failure, so I have replaced all 5 of them(well an injector specialist did) and a specialist Merc technician has fitted a new MAF and given it a thorough service, however the car still cuts out, when I then go...

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