
  1. A

    CLS 320 cdi P0244 error code

    Hey guys I have a 2006 cls 320cdi. And I have this error code p0244 . I have done some research and. I checked the turbo actuator circuit plate. And it seems fine. (See attachment). Also I tried to se if the actuator arm moves but it does not at all when the engine is on or at standstill or...
  2. NBurns

    Priming a newly fitted turbocharger in an OM646.963 Engine

    How does one 'Prime' a newly fitted turbocharger without the injectors fitted and therefore how does one 'Stop' the fuel system from attempting to get fuel to the injection system? Suffice to say I have already used a syringe to squirt fresh clean oil into the top of the turbo and also squirted...

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