04 C Class 200 CDI, few problems


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Apr 3, 2007
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Hi, I'm new to site, bought car 1 1/2 weeks ago, after driving a simular fleet car.

I have noticed a few problems, I searched up to page 20 of this forum but nothing simular.

1) The trip computer LCD screen was fine upon inspection, a few days later I notice a anoying dot appreaed (thought it was dust), it isnt a pixel as its on the surface and its a few mm away from the LCD screen text lookign at it from different angles. The dot glows yellowish, anyway it has now got bigger, seems to be spreading on the surface so I no longer think it can be dust as it glows, and is still visible barley when all lights and power are off, the pattern and the way its spreading is weird, can't tell if its artificial or natural. I'm clueless and its really anoying especialy if it gets any bigger.

2) Radio doesn't tune in any stations, guessing something not plugged in or connection loose, works with CD fine, can't find arial, will check manual again.

My car should have a few months warranty left on it, I'm trying to get it transfered to me the new owner now.

Any help or links is much appreciated. The little things are so anoying when yuou find them after you leave the garage.

Edited, removed 4) found out how to dis-assemble key fob.
Edited, removed 3) rear number plate bulb is a C 5 W =)
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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2005
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If it's still under 3 years old & not an import, get it straight to the dealers & let them sought it out. They will probably put a new instument cluster in it & replace the aerial amp at the top of the rear screen.


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Apr 3, 2007
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Many thanks, as I just bought thr car trying to transfer over the warranty now, sneaky little text says 14 days, been 10 now, also that it can only be done if bought privatly, I purchased from the garage, ill get the garage to sign the declaration and hope they honor it, it would be in there intrest as if they sort the problems out I'd be happy to renew the warranty.

And yes my remote locking also is severly limited, takes a good few attempts, thats why I was trying to replae battereies, that this will probably not do anything if its the same thing causing both Radio.CD and the locking to be very weak at best.

Many thnaks again and safe motoring!

Edit. Fogot the mention, the yellow er thing on the cluster has doubled in size and is now startig to really anoy me as its masing the numbers is so large, I never saw anything like it on a LCD screen outer surface.
Jun 1, 2006
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West Sussex - UK
Matt, when you get these things sorted I STRONGLY recommend you look into Service Plus. Do a search on the site for it. If you do have problems with your car (you shouldn't with a 2004 model) it will save you a world of pain.

btw, the remote locking should work a good 50 feet away from the car. If you need to be close to the drivers door it's running off the infra red, not the radio. This means the aerial amp is definately dead and explains both symptoms. Like I say I had exactly the same problem with mine. It was all sorted FOC under Service Plus
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