Drat, After 50 - 100 yrds of driving today I realised I had a flat rear tyre. Blew it up with the wee pump and took it along to a local tyre dealer later. Tyre is goosed cause I drove 50yrds.
Bottom line is the dealer did not have an 245/40 ZR 18 tyre, so they had to put on my 16" spare wheel.
Obviously I plan to replace the tyre ASAP. However I was wondering if this could do damage to the car in any way?
SL320 1997 with 3 AMG Alloys at moment.
Drat, After 50 - 100 yrds of driving today I realised I had a flat rear tyre. Blew it up with the wee pump and took it along to a local tyre dealer later. Tyre is goosed cause I drove 50yrds.
Bottom line is the dealer did not have an 245/40 ZR 18 tyre, so they had to put on my 16" spare wheel.
Obviously I plan to replace the tyre ASAP. However I was wondering if this could do damage to the car in any way?
SL320 1997 with 3 AMG Alloys at moment.