1886 Daimler tech details

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Nov 12, 2004
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I am the producer working for Sony Computer Entertainment on a driving simulator "Gran Tursimo 4" and am in urgent need of assistance regards the technical details and operation of the Daimler 1886 vehicle. We plan to feature this vehicle in the game to demonstate to players how the first automobiles functioned. The creators of GT4, Polyphony Digital Inc in Japan, have asked for help in finding out how the first cars in history actually function and I would be extremely grateful of any help any of you could provide.

The have put together a list of specific questions as below: the type of information they are looking for is more toward a procedure/flow on how the car is started up - for example a driver climbs into the car, then releases the parking brakes? does the car have gears? clutch? What actions does the driver do to make the car move?

We are looking for this information in hope of using human physics with an animated 3D driver and try to replicate the experience of driving this 1886 vehicle. Video footage showing the process of starting/operation would also be found useful.

Below are the list of Q's from the team:

Daimler 1886

**Basic Question: How does the car start? --> Accelerate? --> Brake (stop)? --> Full Stop?
How does it happen? What is the flow of procedures?

** How and where do the front wheels pivot (turn) ? What is the structure like?

**In addition to the main lever on the right side, there seems to be two more sub-levers for the car. What do these 2 levers do?

**Does the car have gears? If so, how does the driver change gears?

**Braking: At what degree (of the lever) will the brakes be activated? and at what degree are the brakes at full?

**Is there a part of the car which acts as the accelerator? or equivalent? How does this work?

**Does the car have a reverse gear?

**Steering degree? How many turns lock-to-lock?

I appreciate this is very tricky info to obtain, and as a minimum, even if the information is only what the lever function is will be extremely helpful.

Anyone who can assist in this regard I will make sure receives a copy of GT4 when it releases next year!

best regards,



Senior Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Tring, Herts
go to the museaum in stuttgat - they have a perfect replica which is running.. and they start it up every day...

starting i know is donw by hand - small ign switch on a box in front of the driver, then spin the large flywheel by hand.

no idea ion the rest. sorry.

phone them? the historic centre is full of tech info..
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