1991 190 E fan problems


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Oct 25, 2004
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New York
Hey guys,
Ever since I bought my 1991 190 E a year ago I have had problems with it's cooling fan. It never really worked. At first I thought it was the magnetic clutch and I changed it but that didn't do anything. I don't know what the problem might be but it gets very bad especially in the summer. As soon as I stop in a trafic light or something the temp starts going up all the way to 120 C. Could it be the the fan temperature sensor? and if not what else could it be? Thanks.


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Jul 20, 2004
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1989 300SE
Hmm, just replied to your other question but, does the fan never cut in at all.? If you have already replaced the fan clutch then its a good bet its your fan switch. Or even something as simple as a fuse. even if the fuse looks ok, the terminals could be dirty. its worth a look.

Or, if your clutch does work then it could be your water pump on its way out



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Oct 25, 2004
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thanks again, but yeah it seems that all the fuses are fine. The problem is that both fans don't work. The magnetic, cooling fan, never engages at all, and the auxilary, AC fan, works for a few seconds then it's fuse, fuse number three in my car, breaks. I made sure that the fuse is of the right amp but it still happens. I am thinking it has to be something that controls them both. Like the relay for example. The other problem is that once it starts to overheat the antifreeze starts boiling and most of it come out on the floor through the little release hose right next to the resevior's cap. That of course decreases the amount of antifreeze and causes the car to continue to overheat past the red line. Currently I haven't even driven the car for over a week scared from that. The problem is I don't know what's wrong it might be the water bump or the relay or one of the sensors. And I definately don't trust my mechanic when it comes to these electrical issues. Although he's a good mechanic he has given me a couple of wrong diagnosis with electrical issues before and needless to say they were all pretty costly. So I really don't know what to do?


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Oct 25, 2004
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just and addition

Guys just so that the diagnosis is complete,
I wanted to add that I went downstairs now and connected the two poles next to each other, since I just found out that the one by itself is for the auxilary fan, on the temp sensor. I connected these two together and then turned the car on and, CLICK, the clutch got magnetized and the fan worked just perfect just for a minute though and then the fuse number 11 blew, and the fan stopped working. I replaced the fuse and the same thing happened again. Now the thing is that fuse, #11, does not control the fans at all, it says on the fuse box that it controls the mirrors, the tacometer, the temperture guage (the one that tells you the outside temperture on the dashboard). And sure enough all these things stopped working but my question is what does that mean? Sure enough there is a short, but where or rather how can I find out. And is it the same short that is causing the # 3 fuse (the auxilary fan fuse) to break all the time too. And if that's the case, if it's the same short, would that mean that it has to be the temperture sensor (the one with three poles on it) or the relay? or can it be anything else? And how can I find out if any of these things is bad?

I am sorry I ask too many questions, but I am just trying to be thorough. Hope anyone can help me out here.

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