has any one had problems starting I have found that I now have to keep my tank at least half full and avoid leaving my car parked facing up on a gradient.
Help please!
This is pretty common. Air leaks into the diesel system and the resulting airlock makes the car a pig to start
I normally replace the O rings on all the clear plastic fuel pipes round the filter & injection pump and this seems to cure it. You can get them from the dealership for about £1 each. There are two sizes
The O rings tend to flatten with age and they start leaking when they're disturbed. It normally happens after changing the fuel filter
An O ring does, yes. I'm talking about the O rings on the rest of the pipework
I assume you have a multivalve engine if it's a 94 car. The multivalve engine (606) has a bunch of plastic pipes from the filter housing to the injector pump
Not an expert on the C Class but AFAIK the engine / box setups were pretty much identical across ranges apart from the W124 diesels having no turbo
You'll soon see when you look at the diesel filter & pre-filter hosuing. If there's an explosion of white or transparent plastic pipework behind it then there's the likely culprit
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