I'm looking for some help please, I have a 1994 C180 and when I bought it about a year ago I found myself topping the radiator water up as the indicating light kept coming on. I later noticed that the radiator cap had perrished and replacement sorted that out, but I still find that if I'm stuck in traffic for any length of time the gauge slowly starts to rise. My gauge is always at just over the 80 mark until caught in traffic. I always then find myself with wide open eyes hoping nothing untoward happens !
Luckily I have always gotten through traffic and picking up speed makes the gauge return to the just over 80 mark.
Maybe I just need to ensure the correct coolant mix is being used ?
Maybe this is normal and I need not worry ?
Any help / advice appreciated.
Thanks.... JON
Luckily I have always gotten through traffic and picking up speed makes the gauge return to the just over 80 mark.
Maybe I just need to ensure the correct coolant mix is being used ?
Maybe this is normal and I need not worry ?
Any help / advice appreciated.
Thanks.... JON