2000 SLK230 Air Flap Help


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Jun 15, 2021
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Your Mercedes
2000 SLK230
My 2000 SLK 230 with 111k is puzzling me. Had the P1235 code pop up. Supercharger not kicking in at all. Air flap is not opening or closing at all.

Replace the K40 with a brand new unit. Code goes away, compressor kicks in, air flap stays open. Code comes back eventually.

Picked up a known air flap that is working, plug it in, closes about 70% on cold start, car warms to normal temp, flap opens and never closes again. Compressor is kicking in and out around 2000-2200 RPM. MAF appears clean and no oil residue. Vacuum lines all appear

My scan tool is not picking up any codes. Scan tool isn't allowing me to get to the individual modules either, which may be a technical issue with the scan tool.

Ground and voltage on two of the pins at the plug into the air flap. Not sure what the 3rd pin should be reading.

I can close the flap and pressure builds.

Not seeing any breaks in the electrical.

What am I missing?

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