Does anybody now if these unis can be opened and cleaned ie the oil that wicks its way up the wiring loom and into the ecu. AA
You do not have to open it up,buy a few tins of lighter fuel and give it a good wash, then put it somewhere warm to dry out.
it will be OK after that, the oil does not harm the components
Are you serious? I don't know how much one of these ecu's cost but I don't fancy filling it with lighter fuel! surely there must be a safer way than that?regards AA
I also cleaned back my wiring loom and dried it out and then used a copious amount of seam sealer on the wires just before they enter the ecu to act as a barrier in case the same thing happens again..basically created a blocade type blob..u could try using instant gasket, and now keep a check on the loom every week or so..
TV is right, lighter fluid is harmless to most electronics, it evaporates and leaves nothing.
Buy a tin of lighter fluid, pour some into a dish, you'll see how quickly it evaporates, after a bit nothing will be left.
Its also great for cleaning bicycle chains, although my preferred cleaner for that is fresh diesel
Rightly or wrongly I opened mine this morning following extractor fans instructions. A little fiddly and I would add to XTF's instructions that there are 2 little tabs in the centre, one each side which locate up inside the lid. you have to be careful when putting the box back together ie. press the centre together with 2 fingers while pushing the 2 parts together. anyway when I got in there there was no sign of oil whatsoever, all was bone dry so I left well alone and retreated to safety. regards AA