Hi All
Newbie with problems.
Hope someone can help me as so far my hands-on investigations into my problem has meant things have gone from bad to worse.
It all started with the ABS dash light coming on on my 1997 300E (210) diesel. This would then mean no speedo, cruise control and obviously the ABS and traction.
Tested the ECU (modulon) and found although power reading going in there was no power out to the controller. Gave it a good soaking with WD40 just in case and went to re-install it.
HOWEVER in testing I removed the back of the plugs which feed it and now I don't know which wires go where in each plug (well I can work most out from the way they are shaped but can't be sure on a lot of them. Didn't want to risk trial and error incase I did more damage.
Wondered if anyone could post a photo of the inside of their plugs, (really just the E numbered one would probably do) or a wiring diag. for dummies.
The modulon is Merc part No. A210 54504 32 TE
Newbie with problems.
Hope someone can help me as so far my hands-on investigations into my problem has meant things have gone from bad to worse.
It all started with the ABS dash light coming on on my 1997 300E (210) diesel. This would then mean no speedo, cruise control and obviously the ABS and traction.
Tested the ECU (modulon) and found although power reading going in there was no power out to the controller. Gave it a good soaking with WD40 just in case and went to re-install it.
HOWEVER in testing I removed the back of the plugs which feed it and now I don't know which wires go where in each plug (well I can work most out from the way they are shaped but can't be sure on a lot of them. Didn't want to risk trial and error incase I did more damage.
Wondered if anyone could post a photo of the inside of their plugs, (really just the E numbered one would probably do) or a wiring diag. for dummies.
The modulon is Merc part No. A210 54504 32 TE