I fitted a smart veg 2 tank veg oil kit to my sprinter 312D a few weeks ago, it ran sweet for a few days then once at high revs in 4th goin up a hill the engine lost all power and wold only comfortably rev on the flat to about 2500rpm under load and wouldn't exceed about 60mph, would go faster down hill, the engine would also only rev to about 3600 ish rpm in neutral instead of going up to about 4200 then bouncing like normal, i have been tearingthe kit apart and re building it for days trying to eliminate any air leaks that could be causing a build up of air in the re circulating loop in the fuel system andthings and after taking it for a drive today to try and find the leak I reliased that after the power was lost, if i just stopped turned the ignition right off and on again the van worked perfectly, this lef me to thinkt hat the van was going into th elimp home mode i have read so much about, i couldn't actually get it to do it again tonight the thing would cruise along at 90mph instead of cutting off th epower at about 75-80 like 'normal'...
. as it always seemed to happen in 4th or 5th gear at around 3500rpm. 1 thing that leads meto ebliev their could be a fuel problem is sometimes again at high revs doin about 80 it wouldhave a tiny tiny loss ofd pwer for like haf asecond then keep reving as normal, these would somitmes come ins sall bursts or singlarly thnthe van woudl continue as normal, or a few woudl then lead to complete power loss as mentioned earlier.
So is this limp home mode? and What coud be causing it? the veg oil is all heated and essentially like diesel when it goes through the pump and the engine so viscosity shouldn't be an issue. I am very confused any help would be much appreciated.
So is this limp home mode? and What coud be causing it? the veg oil is all heated and essentially like diesel when it goes through the pump and the engine so viscosity shouldn't be an issue. I am very confused any help would be much appreciated.