Hi All
The car is a 1988 420 SE. It turns OK but won't fire, any ideas? I have recharged the battery but still won't fire up.
Just before this problem, on the last run, I had noticed that that the lights were beginning to dim after about 65 MPH and also the wipers were going slower! After dropping down below 65 mph the lights came back to normal brightness and the wipers back to normal speed.
Sounds like electrical gremlins but are these problems linked in any way.

The car is a 1988 420 SE. It turns OK but won't fire, any ideas? I have recharged the battery but still won't fire up.
Just before this problem, on the last run, I had noticed that that the lights were beginning to dim after about 65 MPH and also the wipers were going slower! After dropping down below 65 mph the lights came back to normal brightness and the wipers back to normal speed.
Sounds like electrical gremlins but are these problems linked in any way.