420 SEL Jacket Column Removal


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
Hello Everyone,

My 1987 420SEL Jacket Column has seen better days. :D

This came to light when I noticed that the steering wheel can be lifted straight up a good four inches or so from it's resting place. At first I thought that it just might be a loose bracket but since the lock cylinder does not move when lifting the steering wheel. Well... :confused:

So I got out my dickering keyboard and purchased what appears to be a good electrical column jacket out of a 1989 420 SEL from an outfit off of eBay for $75.00 plus $15.00 to ship. Not too bad... :p

I went through WIS and printed off the book explaining how to switch the column out. :roll:

This my sound stupid but does the lock cylinder have to be removed to take out the steering lock?

WIS mentions it's removal but, I don't see it to be necessary and just an extra step. :rolleyes:

WIS also mentions the use-age of Shell Rentex "A" to be used on the rubber collar.

Wouldn't lithium do just fine? :rolleyes:

Any other tips and or advice would be greatly appreciated?
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