450SLC - Leaks...

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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2004
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Not an unusual event it would seem from reading other posts here!

I can see the drains in the corner of the sunroof when it is open, they are both intact - where should these drain out to?

Drivers footwell was sodden when I bought the car - have removed the thick foam and expect will replace this with thick solid rubber matting cut to size.

No major rust damage to floorpan, a little where the sill meets the floor and some rusting around the base of the accelerator fitting.

Plan to sit the car inthe garage, leave a fan on for a day or two get as dry as possible, wire brush/clean the rusted areas and then paint with lead oxide?

How to stop the water getting in, in the future? Noticed on another post drain holes somewhere on a bulkhead.

Have also got some water ingress in the offside section of the boot underneath the fuel filler area. I did notice that the rubber seals were not properly in place - that has been fixed - but could there be other areas for water to enter the boot.

The car has at some stage in the past few year had the rear screen removed and re-fitted the chrome trim at the bottom coners seems to sit a little proud - is that correct?
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