560sel wont start. not even click!

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New Registration
Jun 6, 2003
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It's an '89. Several days ago the dashboard instrument illuminator went out. Yesterday when I went to lock the doors the power vacuum lock system didn't want to work til the the third try.
This evening I went to go pick up my date and an hour later when I came back outside the car would not start. Not even attempt to fire up. I tried turning the headlights on but no go. We decided to walk to the theater and when I tried to lock the car up the vacuum lock would not work so did all doors manually. After the movie when walking her home I saw that my headlights were on brightly (I must have left them on when I was testing them before the movie when they weren't working). I turned them off and back on again and the lights worked just as brightly. I then tried starting the car but again no attempt at ignition. Nothing. I then tried turning the headlights on again but they dimmed out and nothing. Repeated tries to start it yielded same result. Again I had to lock the door manually.
The car has been problem free for the 15 months Ive owned her.

Any suggestions?


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2003
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I would first check the integrity of your battery connections - the vacuum pump not working points to a lack of 12V. Check for corrosion on the connections and grease mildly and tighten fully.

Next up check all the fuses - not just visually, but by hand. The 126 fuses are notorious for having hairline cracks, which are not visible, but cause an intermittent connection. Corroded fuses is another possibility. Check all fuses.

Once you're happy fuses are fine and battery is fine, then check the integrity of the connections of the starter loom - there is a block connector right next to the battery, with 3 looms. If still no joy, then it may be a problem with the connection at the starter solenoid itself.

However, if lights/vacuum pump are not working, then there is a more general 12V supply problem, i.e. battery, connections or fuses.
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