Hi there,
Just bought a 1991 500 SEL off eBay, plan is to restore the old bus back to it's former glory, driving back realised we've got a bit of a nightmare problem with gearbox, no kickdown and as you reach 3000 rpm, the box won't change up to fourth. Also continuing to accelerate, the box seems to jump into neutral (or maybe slipping massivley) and the revs go off the chart!
I'm presuming the box is dead and needs a complete overhaul, any recommendations as to a good guy in the Bristol / South West area?
Plus I also have a W123 230CE the instrument cluster lights are dead on, any ideas how you get the SOB out?
Many thanks
Just bought a 1991 500 SEL off eBay, plan is to restore the old bus back to it's former glory, driving back realised we've got a bit of a nightmare problem with gearbox, no kickdown and as you reach 3000 rpm, the box won't change up to fourth. Also continuing to accelerate, the box seems to jump into neutral (or maybe slipping massivley) and the revs go off the chart!
I'm presuming the box is dead and needs a complete overhaul, any recommendations as to a good guy in the Bristol / South West area?
Plus I also have a W123 230CE the instrument cluster lights are dead on, any ideas how you get the SOB out?
Many thanks