96 C200 alarm and mirror lights

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Jan 21, 2003
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Hello, I had a problem this morning where my C200 would not start. The engine would turn over but not start. Eventually the AA came and traced the problem to the alarm system where the engine was actually immobilised. He disabled the alarm the reconnected. The car then started OK. I have two questions, can somebody please advise on the flashing mirror lights and what I should be looking for if I have a problem i.e. sequence of flashes or colours. The second question is that the alarm siren unit has a key switch to disable the siren. I do not have the key. Is is possible to obtain this key?

Thanks in advance.


sunil sood

Senior Member
Jun 2, 2002
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REGARDING THE FLASHING LIGHTS ON THE MIRROR-if working normally-then the sequence is as follows-while the alarm is on-the red light flashes every so often reminding the owner and potential thug, that the alarm is in fact on.

while switching off the alarm using the remote control-the green light on the mirror flashes -three or four times letting the owner know that the alarm is being switched off and the door locks open.

i would first check that your remote control batteries are in good order first-as faulty ones will not arm/disarm the alarm

the key for the siren would be a dealer or manufacturer only item.

if you have the owner's manual for your car-then it has useful info on the alarm.

also there should be an alarm information lealet in your car handbook wallet.

good luck!! :lol: :lol:

good luck
Oct 17, 2002
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C Class Alarm lamps, in mirror/ faulty keys.

Apparently the red flashing lamps were originally designed to operate only when the locks were activated/de-activated.

However, some inspired UK nut required that the lamps operate periodically 'all the time'. Consequently they are working 'n' times more than the design, and therefore they fail !

To replace them you have to buy a new mirror unit etc, £ 50 or so.

Point of all this is that my lamp has failed, I have not renewed the mirror, and the alarm works quite satisfactorily.

I also had a problem with both the original keys. Eventually they would leave me stranded, as the car would not recognise them, and refused to start. This was discovered using mobile computer diagnostics etc, and speedily dealt with under warranty.

Hope this is of interest/useful !!

Good Luck.


Jan 21, 2003
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Thanks for the update. Can you advise what the meaning is when the red and green lights flash rapidly and alternately.


sunil sood

Senior Member
Jun 2, 2002
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on looking at the manual for the alarm system,it states that if the red ang green lights flash together on arming/disarming the alarm,then the remote control batteries are low and need to be replaced.

another way to check the remote control batteries is as follows-press the remote control button for approximately one second.The red light in the remote transmitter should glow.If the red light does not glow then replace the batteries.

hope this helps.


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Dec 20, 2001
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Your Mercedes
We had this alarm on one of our c classes.

1) If a lamp goes , change it as soon as you can. If both lamps go , youre screwed. The car won't arm , dis arm with both bulbs gone.

SO WE WERE TOLD ..... we got a new miror under dealer good will...

2) The keys with the single button on them are shockingly bad. We had our car for 3 years and bought 3 new keys due to the button wearing ont on it. When this happened , the nice mobilo chap came out. Got a stanley knife , cut the key away and left you with a PCB with the IR node sticking out and some Insulating tape holding the batteries in and instructions on how to get a new £60 key :evil:

joe bloggs

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Jan 22, 2003
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Crikey-- ahem ok now to answer the question
1. lock the car red lamp flashes 2-3 times, siren bleeps car locks, alarm continues to supply the red lamp every 3-4 seconds (this we in Britain think is the problem, as MBUK decided to specify this (dealer fitted) alarm and the German mirror bulbs are not up to the job of flashing all night (they can be replaced, I've done loads, you can use led's and resistors-to match the bulb resistance if you like).
2. unlock, green lamp flashes 2-3 times siren bleeps and the car opens (indicators will also operate during the above).
If remote button is held down during lock/unlock the windows/sunroof will close/open. (sunroof will not open if fully closed for obvious reasons (snow?)
3.Both lamps flashing together = flat remote batteries, great idea in Germany, not so good in Uk with its stupid alarm that needs either red or green signal (give it both at the same time and it does nowt, i.e. stays immobilised), batteries required
4. Red/Green lamps flashing alternatley, means MB (not alarm) immobiliser is still active, you're for the bus mate.

More trouble can occur when the red bulb goes and you have the passive (auto immobilising mode) enabled, take my advice remove this mode - so loved by insurance companies. Requires a smal bridge link to be removed from inside the (add on ) alarm - usually fitted under the passenger side false floor. this will prevent bus trips and happens because when the bulb goes and the car then passively arms (in the petrol station usually) you are required to firstly set the alarm and then switch it off again but as there is no red bulb the lock ecu does'nt bother to output a signal to the (UK) alarm, therfore you can't switch the thing on to switch it off again. hence the bus trip home.
Hope this helps.

Merc Tech (Dealers know best)


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Mar 17, 2003
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Renfrew Scotland
Your Mercedes
2012 w212 220
Lights on rear view mirror

Hi Joe
How do you get in to the rear view mirror to change the bulbs?
I was trying to remove the headlining on my 202 & could not see how to remove the mirror from the roof. Turned out I did not need to remove the headcloth (was trying to fix the sunroof) but Id like to be able to replace the bulbs when necessary.
Thanks in advance
Peter O Hara


Rear View mirror

Grab hold of the mirror and pull downwards.

The mirror is connected by a single multiplug.

If the red bulb stops working, you can replace it with a LED, less bright than bulb.

Care needs to be taken when opening the mirror or its a trip to the dealers for a new mirror - £100.00


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Joe Bloogs is bang on the nail.
and yes we do know best cos thats what were paid to do.
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