a few questions about my c-class sport coupe

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Aug 20, 2004
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ive got a 51reg C180 (NON-kompressor)

1.ive been told that the engine version that i got is really bad on petrol,like thirstier than linford christie after a 500m run......cause its a 2litre and it gives back like 30mpg,does anybody know if thats true?cause to me it does kinda feel like it but i jus wanna know the official figures.

2.can i change my headlights to the new version? cause ive seen a few c-classes with the lights,which i think are xenons, which are on this page
(the red car) i think that they look alot better than the standard ones,and the fitment looks about the same size n all.

3.are there any websites or companys that sell bodykits for this model mercedes? cause ive not been able to find any at all.

thanks for the help guys :D
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