A140 auto ECU


New Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Car is an A140 classic on an x plate

When starting off engine revs freely to 3000+ but the car moves off at a snails pace, as it picks up speed it will change up and thereafter no problem until you come to a stop and then the same again, if you stop on a fairly steep gradiant the the car will not move forward in fact it will roll back(the engine is still at 3000 rpm) reverse is fine? I took it to our local MB specialist to do a code read and he has identified an ECU fault. I contacted the main dealer in Glasgow who agreed that a fault in the ECU could cause this problem however they have noticed an increase in damaged wiring in the loom between the ECU and bulkhead.
The cost of a new ECU is around £1000 including coding, I have seen several companies advertising that they can repair the ECU for around £300, has anyone gone down this route?

Any help or advice on the above would be much appreciated



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