Hi everyone, newbie with questions how original!
Just brought myself a W210 e300td. When i got it i put the air con on and it appeared to get slightly colder so i just put it down to a re gas.... Had it re gassed today and there was no leaks and it has been fully gassed and oiled up but it wasn't making any difference. It is only now i realize that where the air con compressor is supposed to kick in periodically and you hear the revs get higher, this doesn't happen. I called a specialist and he said it sounds electrical but i checked the fuses and they are fine. now it has to be wiring or compressor unless anyone has any other ideas? does anyone know a test i can do to see if it is either of these? The specialist started talking about running a feed from the battery to one of the top up pipes to see if the compressor kicks in??? anyone heard of this?
Help please.....
Thanks for reading,
Just brought myself a W210 e300td. When i got it i put the air con on and it appeared to get slightly colder so i just put it down to a re gas.... Had it re gassed today and there was no leaks and it has been fully gassed and oiled up but it wasn't making any difference. It is only now i realize that where the air con compressor is supposed to kick in periodically and you hear the revs get higher, this doesn't happen. I called a specialist and he said it sounds electrical but i checked the fuses and they are fine. now it has to be wiring or compressor unless anyone has any other ideas? does anyone know a test i can do to see if it is either of these? The specialist started talking about running a feed from the battery to one of the top up pipes to see if the compressor kicks in??? anyone heard of this?
Help please.....
Thanks for reading,