The compressor on cars since 2000 roughly runs all of the time, you must remember that though it is switched on all the time, it is only using a little energy to drop say the outside temp from 25c-30 down to 22c, so although having it running all of he time may cost an unmeasurable amount of fuel, the windows will not mist up and the driving is much nicer with it on. 90% of us leave it on all the time
EC stands for economy mode and turns the aircon off when the EC light is lit. It is done this way to remind you that the aircon is off. However, if you run it off for extensive periods of time you run the risk of having seized compressor and valves which are far more expensive to replace that the tiny extra cost of fuel used by keeping the aircon running. The other advantage of keeping the aircon running is that it keeps the car nice a dry during the winter. No steamed up windows and damp carpets, as well as keeping all the aircon components running sweetly. I and all my friends leave the aircon on with neglible affect on fuel consumption.
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