air suspension issue....


Dec 17, 2007
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Well.I came back from mercedes yesterday and they have quoted me 1920 euros(about 1500gbp!!) just for the one shock absorber.I found one from an independent specialist at half the price but mercedes say that they have already ordered the part and that I cannot cancel it.Does anyone have a rough idea on how much I should be paying for this part?It looks like I am going to end up paying around 2000 gbp with the labour and recovery transport!Also does anyone know if I have any rights to cancel an order when the part is available from other independant specialists at half the price?Thanks


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2002
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Your Mercedes
E320 Coupe 95
give us the full part number.

where are you based ?


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Your Mercedes
S class
Even if u did order the part it can still be returned as u havent handled it, I can see where the garage is coming from but a part at that price is just too expensive to be ordering without consulting or canvassing other opinion. Stand your ground and refuse to pay , u havent recieved the part and then tried to return it , so as it never left their hands u have a good case.. and just imagine if the part was hard to get and they needed one for the workshop, do u think u would get the part u ordered, before themselves .. No all parts can be returned, if u have given a deposit then they have u banged to rights, and u may have lost the deposit.


Dec 17, 2007
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Hi there,thanks for the advice.When I ordered the part,I was told that it would take minimum 15-20 days to arrive due to the fact that there are special containers used to deliver such parts.For this reason,and this reason only,I had a quick look around to see if anyone else had the part(always original mercedes).I would have never contemplated looking for the part anywhere else but as you can understand having the car off the road for this reason for so long put me into dire straits as to what to do_Once I mentioned this to Mercedes,the attitude towards me was very unprofessional and rude,and suggesting that I was trying to save some money;NO I was not trying to save a few hundred pounds,I was just trying to see if the part was available sooner to get my car back on the road again.I must mention though,once I had said that I had found the part somewhere else,and was half the price aswell,all of a sudden the delivery date was down from 15-20 days to 5 days.It just makes you wonder.Again thanks for the advice.
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